repo double wide ​mobile homes in ky

Mobile homes for sale in Kentucky (KY). Do you want to buy a mobile home, manufactured home, manufactured housing?

repo double wides in kentucky. A mobile or manufactured home offers a number of advantages for the consumer. The process of purchasing a mobile home may be very fast, allowing a consumer to be home in a matter of weeks or less. Mobile homes are also much cheaper than traditional houses. However, buyers should carefully consider the purchase of a mobile home to ensure that the home meets your needs and your budget.

mobile homes


New or second hand:

Buyers of new mobile homes can make manufacturer to customize the home according to specific needs which the purchaser wishes to. New mobile homes are also sold with a warranty against defects and other problems. However, used mobile homes have advantages for buyers that can be also considered. Problems with a mobile home often appear in the first years of ownership. When buying a used mobile home, with housing problems will be easier to find or have been repaired by the previous homeowner. Used mobile homes are also significantly less expensive than new homes.

The choice of a home:

A mobile home for design and materials standards are higher than in the past. However, buyers have yet to consider the purchase of a mobile home construction. For example, the best quality homes used 2 x 6 beams inches (5.08 by 15.24 cm) for wall, plywood, roofing and tile floors. Lower quality housing will use joists of 2 by 4 inch (5.08-10.16 cm) to wall, floors, and ceilings of metal particles. When they go to buy a new House, buyers should visit several dealerships to see the variety of models available and find the best deal.

Location of the House

The location of the mobile home will play a key role in the financing of housing. The houses placed on a permanent basis are easier to finance and more likely to be financed with a traditional mortgage. Foundations as stands of metal do not hold the housing in a safe manner, which can allow it to settle or moves out of the stands during a bad weather, causing damage. The houses located on leased land will be harder to finance also. Mobile homes on permanent and located in lots of property foundations are also less likely to depreciate in value over time.


There are two basic types of financing for mobile homes: mortgage loans and traditional personal property loans. Traditional mortgage loans offered by banks and credit unions often offer the best conditions for borrowers. The-backed loans (FHA, by its acronym in English) Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration (VA, for its acronym in English) are also available. Banks, credit unions and financial companies also offer loans of collateral for mobile homes. Personal property loans usually lasts less than a typical mortgage loan and have higher interest rates.